Legal Representation Before The Registrar Of Contractors

Construction contractors are held to a high standard of service and workmanship by the Arizona Registrar of Contractors, or the ROC. The ROC is a state agency that oversees Arizona’s construction industry, including contractor licensing, quality control and consumer complaints. When a person has an issue with a contractor, he or she has the option of filing a complaint with the ROC.

The Bainbridge Law Firm, L.L.C., based in Phoenix, Arizona, has extensive experience helping homeowners and construction contractors across the state resolve matters that go before the ROC. Whether you need to file a complaint against a contractor or need representation to protect yourself against one, we can help. Our experience on both sides of these issues makes a strong ally in your case.

Legal Counsel For Homeowners And Construction Contractors

The ROC licenses all types of contractors, from plumbers to homebuilders. If the workmanship on your job was defective or a work order was not fulfilled and no corrective action was taken, you can file a complaint against the contractor. We can help you file the necessary forms, meet with the ROC inspector and any other action necessary to resolve your issue.

We also represent contractors in these matters. Violations of the contractor’s license law can result in the suspension or revocation of your license. We have a complete understanding of the law and can represent you at ROC hearings. We will make the strongest possible argument to support your position, and we will work to protect your license and good name.

Let Us Guide You Through The Legal Process

Contact our office today by calling 602-274-6369 to discuss your case with an experienced construction- law lawyer. During an initial consultation, we will guide you through the process and help you find a resolution to your matter.

When reviewing your documentation and providing you a legal assessment from a qualified attorney, we will charge $245 for this initial consultation.

Find Out How We Can Address Your Legal Needs