Efficient Resolution Of Adverse Possession And Other Property Disputes

According to Arizona law, if you continuously possess land that is not yours for at least 10 years, you may be able to ask the court to award the land to you as if it was yours and always had been. There are certain legal standards that must be met, and the law is very specific in these matters.

If you feel that you have a claim for adverse possession, contact an experienced real estate attorney to review your case. The Bainbridge Law Firm, L.L.C., based in Phoenix, has helped clients across Arizona with adverse possession matters. As an Arizona adverse possession law firm, we have a complete understanding of Arizona real estate law and know what it takes to reach a favorable outcome in your case.

Vast Understanding Of Adverse Possession Matters

The process of acquiring the title to adversely possessed property begins by filing a quiet title claim. A quiet title lawsuit allows a property owner to ask the court to confirm title to a piece of property when other parties feel they have an ownership claim. Many of the cases we see involve fences crossing property lines or vacant lots being used by an adjacent property owner.

The law stipulates that, in order for property to be adversely possessed, the possession must be “open and notorious.” This means that your usage of the property must be in plain view to the true property owner, so that he or she has the opportunity to notify you of trespassing. Possession must also be hostile, meaning that you didn’t have the property owner’s permission to use the land. Generally, if you had permission, you can never claim adverse possession. There are other legal factors and tests that must be met to acquire property by adverse possession. Your particular circumstances must be evaluated by a qualified lawyer.

Paying Close Attention To Your Concerns

Contact our office today to discuss your case by calling 602-902-1930. You will discuss your legal matter and documentation with an experienced attorney.

When providing you with a legal opinion and analysis of your documentation, we will charge $245 for an initial consultation.

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